Community pharmacists’ knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and practice of syndromic management of STIs in Lagos State, Nigeria
- In: F22 - Short oral presentations of the FIP Community Pharmacy Section on Wednesday, 4 September 2013, 14:00-17:00
- At: Dublin (Ireland) (2013)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: JODA, Arinola (University of Lagos, Clinical Pharmacy and Biopharmacy, Faculty of Pharmacy, Lagos,, Nigeria)
- Co-author(s): Tayo, Fola (University of Lagos, Lagos,, Nigeria)
Aina, Bolajoko (University of Lagos, Lagos,, Nigeria) - Abstract:
Syndromic management of STI is based on recognition of syndromes followed by treatment. Management is simplified by the use of clinical flowcharts and standardized prescriptions along with the 4Cs of STI management which are counseling, compliance to drug regimen, contact tracing and correct condom use. Syndromic management delivers.. The access to the whole abstract and if available the presentation file is available to FIP members and to congress participants of that specific congress.
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Last update 28 September 2023