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Quality assurance: establishing standard operating procedures

  • In: Laboratory and Medicines Control Services Section - Poster Session
  • At: Cairo (Egypt) (2005)
  • Type: Poster
  • Poster code: LMCS-P-007
  • By: NDOMONDO-SIGONDA, Margareth (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania)
  • Co-author(s): Ndomondo-Sigonda (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Kowero (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Mosha (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Msuya (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Nyeura (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Elias (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Mshana (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Hajji (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Simon (Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Mfuko (Management Sciences for Health, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Risha (Management Sciences for Health, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
    Layloff (Management Sciences for Health, DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania)
  • Abstract:

    The Tanzania Food and Drugs Authority compliance decision tree provides structure for inspectional standard operating procedures (SOPs) and reporting forms. The SOPs and forms outline how to conduct and record the examination of products and premises to determine their compliance or non-compliance with the laws and regulations. To establish..

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Last update 28 September 2023

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