Counterfeiting drugs is murder - current national legislative responses
- In: BPP/BPS Joint Symposium (part 2) on Tuesday, 4 September 2007, 13:00-16:00
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Presentation
- By: ANISFELD, Michael (Globepharm, Deerfield, United States of America)
- Co-author(s): Gourdet, Camille (DePaul University, Chicago, United States of America)
- Abstract:
With drug counterfeiting accounting for over 2/3 of drugs available in some developing countries, many patient populations are put at significant risk by counterfeiters. Death and injury is a frequent result of the ingestion of fake drugs. Counterfeiters are murderers who often, legally, get away with their crime. In many countries the penalty for
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