Better use of medicines: using clinical pharmacy for empowerment of nursing homes implementing safe medication
- In: D6 - Practitioners’ Day (part 1/2) on Wednesday, 1 September 2010, 9:00-12:00
- At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
- Type: Presentations + Posters
- By: ROSSING, Charlotte (Pharmakon, Hilleroed, Denmark)
- Co-author(s): El Souri, Mira (Pharmakon, Hilleroed, Denmark)
Herborg, Hanne (Pharmakon, Hilleroed, Denmark)
Pultz, Kirsten (Pharmakon, Hilleroed, Denmark)
Thomsen, Linda Aagaard (Pharmakon, Hilleroed, Denmark) - Abstract:
OBJECTIVE To develop and test a model to use clinical pharmacy at nursing homes, with the aim of supporting nursing homes in providing quality medication management and safe medication for nursing home residents. METHOD The model for empowerment was developed in four Danish nursing homes in two municipalities. The elements were: 1. A series
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