A new questions and answers on-line system to support daily medicines information centre’s activities
- In: Pharmacy Information Posters
- At: Lisbon (Portugal) (2010)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PI-P-015
- By: VIDOTTI, Carlos (Brazilian Federal Council of Pharmacy, Brasilia, Brazil)
- Co-author(s): Da Silva, Emilia (Brazilian Federal Council of Pharmacy, Brasilia, Brazil)
Domingues, Paulo (Brazilian Federal Council of Pharmacy, Brasilia, Brazil)
Tocantins, Luiz (Grupo Gedoor, Goiania, Brazil)
Arantes, Altair (Grupo Gedoor, Goiania, Brazil) - Abstract:
 Background: A regular task of a medicines information service is to receive and answer medicines information requests to help clinical use of medicines, improving rational use of drugs. Medicines information services needed practical tools to support daily medicines information practices. Objective: To describe characteristics and medicines
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