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Pharmaceutical care practice at several community pharmacies in Jakarta, Indonesia

  • In: D5 - The practitioners' Day (part 1) on Monday, 7 September 2009, 9:05-12:00
  • At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
  • Type: Presentations + Posters
  • By: ANDRAJATI, Retnosari (University of Indonesia, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia)
  • Co-author(s): Purnamasari, Santi (University of Indonesia, Dki Jakarta, Indonesia)
  • Abstract:

    Introduction. It is quite clear that only dispensing of medicine is not enough for pharmacy services. How far we are in Indonesia from pharmaceutical care practice and where we have to go are difficult questions to be answered, due to the lack of research findings describing or assessing the actual situation of the current pharmacy practice in


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Last update 28 September 2023

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