A study of the importance in mediation instruction on patient’s satisfaction
- In: Hospital Pharmacy - Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-065
- By: LI, Lee- Erl (Pharmacy Dept. of Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Chang Hua, China Taiwan)
- Co-author(s): Chen, Shieh-Liang (Department of Business Administration, National Changhua University of Education, Chang Hua, China Taiwan)
Huang, Chin-Ling (Pharmacy Dept. of Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Chang Hua, China Taiwan)
Chen, Pei-Ying (Pharmacy Dept. of Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Chang Hua, China Taiwan)
Lin, Meng-Chiao (Pharmacy Dept. of Show Chwan Memorial Hospital, Chang Hua, China Taiwan) - Abstract:
Objective: The aim of this survey is to obtain whether medication instruction is an important behavior that should be provide by a pharmacist, what is the patient knowledge to the medication instruction and greater patient satisfaction with their knowledge of medication use. Furthermore, to get a better understanding of what's difference attitude
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