Survey of transcription errors in drug charts at acute internal medicine, orthopaedic and surgical wards at uppsala university hospital
- In: Hospital Pharmacy - Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-046
- By: SöRENSEN, Kristina (Apoteket Farmaci AB / Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden)
- Co-author(s): Hugo, Sonia (Apoteket Farmaci AB, Uppsala, Sweden)
Wågstrand, Erika (Apoteket Farmaci AB, Uppsala, Sweden)
Gillespie, Ulrika (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden)
Jeppsson, Petra (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden)
Engström, Marcus (Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden) - Abstract:
Background: When patients are transferred between different health care levels, discrepancies (transcribing errors) in drug charts are common and potentially harmful. This can lead to medication errors and adverse drug events during admission and after discharge. These studies aimed to survey discrepancies between patients' prescribed medicines as
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