Adolescents’ thoughts about and experiences with medications and their use- not without my mother
- In: Community Pharmacy Public health - Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CPS3-P-010
- By: WESTERLUND, Tommy (Apoteket AB and University of Gothenburg, Helsingborg and Göteborg, Sweden)
- Co-author(s): Åberg, Marie (University of Gothenburg, Göteborg, Sweden)
- Abstract:
Introduction: Most studies on drug use and drug-related problems (DRPs) have been conducted in adults. Less is known about young people's medicine-taking behaviour and in particular their DRPs. A quantitative study performed in Sweden in 2006* demonstrated however that adolescents use both over-the-counter drugs and prescribed medicines to a
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