Determination of lidocain-hlorid and methyl-paraben in xylocain jelly by derivative spectrophotometry
- In: Laboratory and Medicines Control Services - Posters
- At: Istanbul (Turkey) (2009)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: LMCS-P-001
- By: DZIKNIC, Olivera (Pharmacy Beograd, Belgrad, Yugoslavia)
- Abstract:
XYLOCAIN JELLY contained 2% lidocain-hlorid and 0.1% methyl-paraben. Lidocain-hlorid is local anesthetic of the amide type and hes a fast onset and intermediate duration of action.It is emoloyed in a wide renge of anesthetic applications. Lidocain-hlorid is also used in the tretment of ventricular arrhythmias and has been used for the control..
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