Sentinel pharmacy network of Catalonia: what knowledge do women have about the Isotretinoin teratogenic effects?
- At: Seville (Spain) (2022)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HMI-026
- By: JAMBRINA, Anna Maria (Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia, Spain)
- Co-author(s): Mrs Anna Maria Jambrina, Directorate-general For Healthcare Planning And Regulation (Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain)
Mrs Glòria Cereza, Directorate-General for Healthcare Planning and Regulation (Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain)
Mrs Pilar Rius (Council of the Pharmacist’s Association of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain)
Mrs Montserrat Gironès, Council of the Pharmacist’s Association of Catalonia (Council of the Pharmacist’s Association of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain)
Mrs Neus Rams, Directorate-General for Career Planning and Healthcare Regulation (Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain)
Mrs. Clara Pareja, Directorate-General for Career Planning and Healthcare Regulation (Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain)
Mr Manel Rabanal, Directorate-General for Career Planning and Healthcare Regulation (Ministry of Health, Government of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain) - Abstract:
Background information: The risk of occurrence of congenital malformations after exposure to isotretinoin during pregnancy are already known. However, the implementation of the pregnancy prevention program and the adoption of measures to minimize these risks by health institutions have not been effective enough, as proven in the EVITA study on the ..
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