A case study of the pharmacy technicians’ registration and the training system in Hong Kong.
- In: Pharmacy Technicians' Symposium Day 2 on Sunday, 2 September 2018, 9:00-12:00
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Presentation
- By: YIK YOUNG CHOW, Hugo (Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education, Hong Kong)
- Co-author(s): Hugo Yik Hung Chow:Applied Science,Hong Kong Vocational Training Council,Hong Kong,Hong Kong|Chak On Hui:Applied Science,Hong Kong Vocational Training Council,Hong Kong,Hong Kong
- Abstract:
There are over 3000 pharmacy technicians serving in 55 public and private hospitals and over 3800 public and private clinics in Hong Kong. However, only two third of those pharmacy technicians are qualified and 90% of the qualified pharmacy technicians are working under hospital settings. Unlike other well-developed cities, Hong Kong has no..
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