New care models: an evaluation of care home pharmacy services
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: POS-SAP-027
- By: BAQIR, Wasim (NHS England, Medical Directorate)
- Co-author(s): Wasim Baqir: Medical Directorate, NHS England, London, United Kingdom;Pharmacy, Northumbria Healthcare, North Shields, United Kingdom
Anne Joshua: Medical Directorate, NHS England, London, United Kingdom
Robbie Turner: Royal Pharmaceutical Society, London, United Kingdom
Andrew Cooke: Royal Pharmaceutical Society, London, United Kingdom
Heidi Wright: Royal Pharmaceutical Society, London, United Kingdom - Abstract:
Medicines use in care homes is an area of concern where medication errors often occur, excess medicines (sometimes unnecessary and inappropriate) are prescribed, there is a lack of structured medication review and minimal resident involvement in medicines decisions.1
The Royal Pharmaceutical Society created a Care Homes Network to
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