Operational excellence: achieving quality compliance for a small-scale manufacturing industries
- In: D14 What’s new in industry and science? Part 1 on Monday, 3 September 2018, 14:30 -14:40
- At: Glasgow (Scotland) (2018)
- Type: Presentation
- By: JALUNDHWALA, Forum (Shreenath Chemicals, India)
- Co-author(s): Forum Janak Jalundhwala: Quality Assurance, Shreenath Chemicals, mumbai, India;SPP School of Pharmacy and Technology Management, Mumbai, India
Vaishali Londhe: SPP School of Pharmacy and Technology Management, Mumbai, India
Kaushik Desai: GMP Consultant, Mumbai, India - Abstract:
Operational Excellence is critical to maintain higher product quality and lower operational costs. Maintaining compliance to the highest standards of quality is often challenged in small scale industries (SSIs), which form the backbone of pharmaceutical development and manufacturing, primarily due to a resource-lite environment.
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