The proposition in pharmacist’s education about ethics and communication -importance of humanities subject education for medical stuffs~
- In: Academic Pharmacy Section - Posters
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: AS-P-012
- By: KAWAMURA, Kazumi (Sugi Pharmacy Co. LTD., Nagoya, Japan)
- Co-author(s): Arai, keiji (Sugi Pharmacy Co.,LTD., NAGOYA, Japan)
Sakakibara, mikio (Sugi Pharmacy Co.,LTD., NAGOYA, Japan)
Sawamura, akihito (Sugi Pharmacy Co.,LTD., NAGOYA, Japan) - Abstract:
Aim: It has been pointed out for a long time that it is difficult to train pharmacists who have capability sufficient as medical stuff in four-year education system in Japan. Therefore the period was extended to six years in 2006. Also, it was specified in necessity of ethics and communication to emphasize on medical stuff education in the model
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