Reduced food-effect and enhanced bioavailability of a self-microemulsifying formulation of itraconazole in healthy volunteers
- In: SIG Bioavailability/Bioequivalence - Posters
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: BB-P-048
- By: KIM, Chong-Kook (Seoul National University, Seoul, South-Korea)
- Co-author(s): Song, Yun-Kyoung (Korea Food and Drug Administration, SEOUL, South-Korea)
Hong, Ji-Yeon (Seoul National University, SEOUL, South-Korea)
Woo, Jong Soo (Hanmi Pharm Co., Ltd., KYOUNG-GI, South-Korea) - Abstract:
Self-microemulsifying drug delivery systems (SMEDDS) represent a possible alterative to traditional oral formulations of lipophilic compounds. This study was undertaken to compare the oral bioavailability and food-effect of SMEDDS of itraconazole (ITRA-GSMP capsule containing 50 mg as itraconazole), to that of currently marketed formulation..
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