Pharmacists participation in the cardiac rehabilitation team at Danderyd’s hospital, Sweden
- In: Hospital Pharmacy Section - Posters
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: HPS-P-057
- By: CARS, Thomas (Pharmacy at Danderyds hospital, Stockholm, Sweden)
- Co-author(s): Fritzon, Sofia (Pharmacy at Danderyds hospital, Stockholm, Sweden)
Duarte-Martins, Catherine (Pharmacy at Danderyds hospital, Stockholm, Sweden)
Feghhi, Jamal (Pharmacy at Danderyds hospital, Stockholm, Sweden) - Abstract:
Introduction Patients who have undergone heart bypass surgery and/or heart valve surgery are given the opportunity to participate in a cardiac rehabilitation programme at Danderyd’s hospital. The cardiac rehabilitation team (CRT) consists of a cardiologist, rehabilitation nurse, physical therapist, dietitian and a welfare officer. Studies have
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