Early results of expenditure on pharmacotherapy in Indian elderly inpatients
- In: Miscellaneous - Posters
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: M-P-028
- By: KM, Mandavi (NIPER, Mohali, India)
- Co-author(s): Tiwari, Pramil (NIPER, MOHALI, India)
Kapur, Vinay (GMCH, CHANDIGARH, India) - Abstract:
The life expectancy in India has shot up remarkably. In contrast with the average life expectancy of an Indian adult as only 32 years in early 1930s, the average life expectancy stands at 64 years, as per data of the year 2000. This increase has led to more hospitalization, longer hospital stays and more extensive drug therapies in the elderly.
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