The design and synthesis of peptidyl vinyl ester derivatives as potential proteasome inhibitors
- In: SIG Pharmaceutical Biotechnology - Posters
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: PB-P-050
- By: MOU, Ke (Peking University, Beijing, China)
- Co-author(s): Zou, Xiaomin (Peking University, BEIJING, China)
Ma, Chao (Peking University, BEIJING, China)
Fu, Yiqiu (Peking University, BEIJING, China)
Fu, Gang (Peking University, BEIJING, China)
Lv, Yang (Peking University, BEIJING, China)
Xu, Ping (Peking University, BEIJING, China) - Abstract:
Objective Here we report the study of a series of peptidyl vinyl ester derivatives bearing two different P1 substituted groups as potential proteasome inhibitors. Methods The target molecules designed based on the CADD (computer aided drug design) results were synthesized and their activities were tested using fluorescence assay. Results Six..
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