A novel statin, rosuvastatin affects leukocytes gene transcriptome in Chinese healthy normocholesterolemia subjects
- In: Clinical Biology Section - Posters
- At: Beijing (China) (2007)
- Type: Poster
- Poster code: CBS-P-001
- By: HUA, Congxiao (Cardiovascular Institute &Fuwai Hospital, Beijing, China)
- Co-author(s): Li, Yishi (Cardiovascular Institute &Fuwai Hospital, BEIJING, China)
Liu, Yuqing (Cardiovascular Institute &Fuwai Hospital, BEIJING, China)
Liu, Hong (Cardiovascular Institute &Fuwai Hospital, BEIJING, China) - Abstract:
Objective: Statins are potent lipid-lowering agents widely in medical practice. In vitro studies have shown that statins alter genetic expression patterns. However, very little work has been done on the in vivo effects that statins exert on peripheral blood cells gene expression. Methods: The present study investigated the impacts of rosuvastatin
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